솔리디티에서는 프론트와 연결하는 라이브러리를제공한다 그걸 Web3 Provider.라고함(Web3.js안에 있음) (1)Web3 Provider Ethereum is made up of nodes that all share a copy of the same data. Setting a Web3 Provider in Web3.js tells our code which node we should be talking to handle our reads and writes. It's kind of like setting the URL of the remote web server for your API calls in a traditional web app. 오.. 어느 노드에 연결할지 직접 고를수 있다고합니다...
tokens, the ERC721 standard, and crypto-collectible assets에대해 다룬다 (1)Tokens A token on Ethereum is basically just a smart contract that follows some common rules — namely it implements a standard set of functions that all other token contracts share, such as transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _tokenId) and balanceOf(address _owner). 그래서 erc20 토큰 찍어내는것은 쉬운편이다. 스마트 컨트랙을 따르면 되기때문 So b..
(1)Payable visibility modifiers when and where the function can be called from private: it's only callable from other functions inside the contract; internal: like private but can also be called by contracts that inherit from this one external: can only be called outside the contract public: can be called anywhere, both internally and externally. state modifiers how the function interacts with t..
contract ownership, gas costs, code optimization, and security 등 중요한걸 배운다고한다 궁금했다. 가보자고 (1)Immutability of Contracts 그렇지 이더리움에 한번 올리면 못고치지 after you deploy a contract to Ethereum, it’s immutable, which means that it can never be modified or updated again. his is one reason security is such a huge concern in Solidity. If there's a flaw in your contract code, there's no way for you to patch it lat..
생각보다 강의가 길다? (1)Mappings and Addresses new data types: mapping and address. 이더주소 자체가 데이터타입이라니..! Address an address is owned by a specific user (or a smart contract). The Ethereum blockchain is made up of accounts, which you can think of like bank accounts. An account has a balance of Ether (the currency used on the Ethereum blockchain), and you can send and receive Ether payments to other accou..
(1) Lesson Overview DNA따라 캐릭터 조형이 바뀜을보여줌 nft는 실제로 이렇게 조형되서 예제를 이렇게 보여준듯 (2) Contracts Solidity's code is encapsulated in contracts. A contract is the fundamental building block of Ethereum applications 맞다 그래서 컨트랙만봐도 러그 50퍼는 피할수있다 이걸위해 나는 이 강의를 시작한것이다 -Version Pragma All solidity source code should start with a "version pragma" — a declaration of the version of the Solidity compiler this code sho..
요새 민팅을 많이하는데 러그도 몇번 당하고 민팅도 선착순에서 밀리고 개발자로서 부끄러운일이 한두개가아니다.. 그냥 그때그때 배우지말고 간단하게라도 공부해서 제대로 격파하기로 결정 모든 nft의 근본은 이더리움=솔리디티라 솔리디티로 결정 다행히 솔리디티 초급강의를 제공하는곳이 있다. https://cryptozombies.io/ #1 Solidity Tutorial & Ethereum Blockchain Programming Course | CryptoZombies CryptoZombies is The Most Popular, Interactive Solidity Tutorial That Will Help You Learn Blockchain Programming on Ethereum by Building..